Conference Committee Week at the Capitol

May 2, 2023
This is the week of the conference committee. Leadership has given committee chairs and conferees until the end of the week to iron out their differences. If they cannot reach an agreement by then, the party leadership will take over. This has made for a dizzying pace as conference committees try to schedule around long floor sessions for large bills of significance in both chambers.

Speaking of notable legislation moving forward, bills to legalize adult-use cannabis have cleared both the House and Senate floors and will move on to conference committees. In addition, the Senate is taking up the Tax Bill on the floor today. The Senate Tax Bill includes Historic Structures Tax Credits, and Angel Investor and New Market credits. The House will debate the Paid Leave bill today as well. Also, with a limited number of days left in the session, expect bonding discussions to pick back up.

The Economic and Workforce Development and Labor and Industry Conference Committee is meeting and will adopt the same and similar provisions today. EDAM submitted a letter to each conferee and relevant staff person to urge for the Senate’s Redevelopment provision, which provides for additional funding in the biennium. We are coordinating to have any EDAM members who are constituents of conferees make contact to advocate for Redevelopment funding.